How to Keep Your AC Unit Clean and Efficient

It's essential to keep your air conditioning system clean and well-maintained to ensure it runs efficiently and effectively. Cleaning or replacing the filter or filters in the air conditioning system every one to two months during the cooling season is a must. Filters may need more frequent care if the air conditioner is constantly being used, is subject to dusty conditions, or if you have furry pets in the house. A general rule is to clean or replace filters once a month during the season of use.

If you only run the air conditioner from time to time, you may be able to expand it every two months, but it's best to get in the habit of doing it on the first day of every month. We also recommend cleaning the window air conditioning unit every month during the cooling season. Dust the outside of the unit as part of your weekly home cleaning routine. Be sure to replace your home's HVAC filter every 1 to 3 months to reduce dust, dander, and other air irritants that could clog the window air conditioning filter. In most cases, you can get away with cleaning the coils once a year with a seasonal tune-up. However, you must consider where your unit is located.

If you're in a big city with heavy air pollution, you might want to clean the coils twice a year. In addition, if the equipment is old or is working most of the day, frequent tune-ups will make the system work better. Checking the condenser coils every two months and using a brush to gently clean the dirt can be an easy way to keep the system up and running between tunings. Air conditioning repair can be expensive, so keeping your system clean all year round can save you a lot of money in the long run. If your air conditioner is very old, its efficiency has likely dropped significantly.

The parts inside an old unit will wear out over time and eventually break without the possibility of repair. Older air conditioning units require more frequent maintenance; the older the unit, the more often it will accumulate dust and dirt on the coils. For older air conditioning units, you should clean the air conditioning coils approximately every three months, depending on use and season. When the coils are dirty, your system isn't as efficient. So, it's a good idea to clean them once a year.

Coil cleaning is a fairly easy task to do yourself. However, you'll want to take some safety precautions, and if you're not comfortable with the job, you should hire a professional. The condensate line removes moisture that accumulates in the system when the air conditioner is running. Dirty filters can affect air quality in the home and can inhibit airflow to the system, making the machine work harder to cool the house. However, if you find that your air conditioner is having ongoing problems or isn't expelling cold air properly, your coils may need to be serviced. With so many reasons to take care of your air conditioning system, it's clear that biannual maintenance is essential.

It also keeps the air in your home clean, and there are plenty of other reasons to keep your HVAC system in good working order over time. Air conditioner coils can become dirty due to reduced cooling and lack of efficiency. Unlike indoor and outdoor air conditioning units, which have likely been replaced if you live in an old house, you're unlikely to have new ductwork installed. Some air conditioning manufacturers require warranty owners to keep their cooling and heating systems in good working order. Central air conditioning units distribute cold air through ducts to ventilation grilles located in almost every room in the house.

If this line becomes clogged, it can reduce efficiency of the unit, increase humidity in the air, and can also increase risk of water damage. You might think that air conditioners “create cool air” but it's actually more accurate to say that they remove heat from existing air in your home. Failure to perform regular maintenance such as changing air filters and tuning AC unit every year can void warranty. If you live near moderate climate for example, your AC coils probably won't get as dirty as if you lived in dry or desert climate with lot of dirt accumulating in air. Lack of maintenance will decrease cooling capacity of machine and will also make AC less efficient. It's important to keep your AC system clean and well-maintained for optimal performance.

Cleaning or replacing filters every one to two months during cooling season is essential for efficient operation of AC unit. Dusting outside of unit as part of weekly home cleaning routine is also recommended for better performance. For older AC units, cleaning coils approximately every three months depending on use and season is necessary for optimal performance. If you're not comfortable with cleaning AC coils yourself then hire a professional for this job as it requires some safety precautions. Regular maintenance such as changing filters and tuning AC unit every year should be done for warranty purposes as well as for better performance of machine.

Pauline Sebastion
Pauline Sebastion

Proud beer buff. Total internet fanatic. Extreme internet enthusiast. General zombie buff. Professional pop culture fan.

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